Our Workforce

Our Workforce

Care Coordinators

Care co-ordinators are trained healthcare professional who coordinates and monitors the care of patients, especially those who are elderly, disabled, or have multiple providers.

They are responsible for scheduling, organizing, and managing all aspects of a patient’s healthcare maintenance and treatment.

They also communicate with the healthcare team and the patient about the treatment plan, educate the patient about their condition and resources, and evaluate their progress.

Clinical Pharmacists

A health professional who specializes in administering and providing advice about medication. They work with physicians and patients to find and prescribe the right medication to help patients achieve the best care possible.

Digital & Transformation Lead

Support PCNs and their practices to deliver ongoing improvement to services. Improvement projects that focus on the utilisation of digital tools and could include any transformation work that utilises data to improve quality, or efficiency, support population health management, workforce or estate planning.

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Offers clinical and administrative support to GPs, freeing up clinical time to focus on patient care

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Support adults and older adults with severe mental illnesses to live well in their communities. Those severely affected by mental illness, including but not limited to; psychosis, bipolar disorder, ‘personality disorder’ diagnosis, eating disorders, severe depression and mental health rehabilitation needs.

Nurse Support

(Nursing Associates/Training Associates)

The nursing associate role is regulated by the Nursing and Midwifery Council (NMC).

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Lead certain community services i.e. monitoring blood pressure and diabetes risk for elderly patients in sheltered housing, perform urgent and same-day home visits.

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Healthcare workers trained in the technical aspects of supplying medicines and medical devices to patients.

Physician’s Associate

Healthcare professionals with a generalist medical education, who work alongside doctors providing medical care as an integral part of the multidisciplinary team.

Physician associates are dependent practitioners who work under the supervision of a fully trained and experienced doctor.


They can help patients with musculoskeletal issues such as back, neck and joint pain by: assessing and diagnosing issues, giving expert advice on how best to manage their conditions, referring them onto specialist services if necessary.

Self refer to NHS physiotherapy services in Bromley

Social Prescribers

Addresses patient needs in a holistic way. You can talk to your social prescriber about any non-medical issue including debt, loneliness, education, discrimination etc. and they will be able to link you to the right services to support you.